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Writing and Story

The world is made of stories and writing has always been the compass by which I have navigated mine. Poet at heart, writing penetrates every part of my life and words are the lens through which I make sense of the world.


My words are published in magazines, blogs, on amazon, yoto and have been played thousands of times on insight timer. I have written across a huge range of genres from professional magazines to academia, from narrative meditation to children's literature from short story to poetry.


I run a monthly in person writer's group, offer critiquing, beta reading and proof reading services and am a member of a number of writing organisations including SCWBI and The Suffolk Poetry Society.

Spoken Word Art Installation

In 2023, I created an interactive spoken word art installation in response to an open call for the inaugural Black Shuck Exhibition at The Bell Gallery. No One Asked Her Why was the only written piece selected and held its own amidst a multitude of visual media in the month long exhibition. The poem offers a new perspective and origin story to the traditional Black Shuck myth using feminist, motherhood, grief, and climate narratives.

To emulate the exhibition more closely, I recommend using headphones to listen.

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